Off to Canada! And a small reflection.

Hey Journal. I’m traveling to Canada today to go snowboarding up in Whistler for a much-needed break. I think I’ll still try and keep up this daily practice, but if I don’t, I don’t, and I’m going to be alright with that. I need the break and could use some time and space just to let my mind be free and enjoy life, so I make no promises.

Life has seemed especially difficult lately; things seem to have more friction, and it’s been harder and harder since Covid started—to find flow and joy. Work is more challenging than ever, and celebrating wins has not been easy. It turns out that working from home, while it does have its perks, also has many problems. Mostly I miss people, but also, it’s just been higher and higher stress and less certainty. The world seems to shift daily, both in my own life and in the life of those around me. I’ve been working my entire life to achieve stability, and right when I thought I’d got there, everything started to change. Though I’ve done all the right things and set myself up for success, I’m living in a limbo state with a lot of uncertainty. Thankfully, my efforts have placed me on solid footing to deal with that uncertainty, but, damn, I was looking for life to chill a bit. So I’m hoping, for the next week anyway, I can leave my worries behind, shred the mountain, and enjoy some hard-earned rest and relaxation. And, yeah, maybe take some good photos, work on some personal projects, and use that free time and space to move the needle on some things that matter more to me than to someone else.


Robert Gould


When The Tiger Came Down The Mountain by Nghi Vo