Return My Head: 2023

I’ve always been a massive fan of playlists. And sharing the music I like with others is one of my joys in life. For the last several years, I’ve simplified my playlist game to one primary playlist for the year, which becomes a record and grab-bag of my favorite songs released in a given year, titled with the first song I add to it.

2023 is brand new, so this year’s playlist is pretty fresh. If you’re somehow reading this and interested in finding new music, give it a look and a follow; it’ll be updated with new stuff as I discover it. Funnily enough, two of the songs from the first week in 2023 come from artists that also showed up in the first week in 2022 and 2021: Frank Turner and The Hold Steady.

2023: Return My Head
The first song added this year forms the title. In this case, “Return My Head” by The Murder Capital, who have had a few solid singles come out in the last month or so.

If you’re interested in what has gone before, here are the playlists from 2021 and 2022.

2021: Heavy Covenant
The title based of a fantastic track from one of my all time favorites, The Hold Steady.

2022: A Wave Across A Bay
Titled for a Frank Turner song, another on of my favorite artists. He puts on a fantastic live show.


The Random Show: Holidays 2022
