Spite by Billy Nomates
I’ve shared less music here than I thought I would. Three weeks into this journal, I’m adding my first Most Important Song. Unexpected! And, if that weren’t enough, it’s a bit of an odd choice for me. I first heard Billy Nomates on the fabulous Sleaford Mods track “Mork n Mindy” (Spotify Link). Digging that, I began to dig through her other music and what I found was not what I expected.
At first blush, Billy Nomates, and “spite” in particular, are not the kind of music I typically like. In this particular case, it’s a little too pop; with some other songs, it’s a little too country or a little to slow or some other “little too.”
Those “little toos” might be why I like her, and I like her quite a bit. She’s just to the left of things I don’t typically like, making her music interesting. Kerri had a listen and also liked her style quite a bit, Chrissie Hynde of The Pretenders, and that works quite well in a few ways.
Her new album CACTI is out now, and it’s quite good.