The Empress of Salt and Fortune by Nghi Vo


File under: Fantasy

Wizard-level reading challenge: Book under 200 words

The Empress of Salt and Fortune by Nghi Vo tells the tale of its namesake, a young queen from the northern kingdom who is sent south for a political marriage after the country lost its war with the south. It’s a short story, told with exquisite and ephemeral prose woven from multiple viewpoints and across timelines, an engaging take on the frame narrative.

I enjoyed this quite a bit. It’s set in a compelling, magical world, based on imperial China, with just enough there to tickle the imagination, allowing the reader to dream a little. Here you’ll find talking birds, ghosts, magic, and some pointed commentary on feudalism and colonization, all wrapped up in a fairy tale of the kind you tell around a campfire at night.


Your mind has a mind of its own


The Teller