Go outside for some walking, bring a camera and take some photos.
Hello Journal! This last week was a bit weird, with many different things contributing to a low level of anxiety and stress. Thankfully it didn’t get to me all that much, and I was able to be mindful of it in a way that allowed me to work through it and even find some flow along the way.
One thing that helped me a lot was getting outside, which I do most days, but in a kind semi-mindful habit type of way: exercise, walking the dog, etc. I’ve developed some strong, and I think, helpful habits around getting outside daily. But this week, as an attempt to combat anxiety, I tried to get out more than usual, and I also added activities designed to try and help me relax and break cycles of circular thinking and worry.
One of those things I did almost every day when I was younger—Photowalking. It is precisely what you’d expect. Go outside for some walking, bring a camera and take some photos. It combines light exercise, sunlight, and the outdoors with a simple creation activity.
I think it helped quite a bit, and I’m glad I did it. Below are some of the photos I captured. I used my Moment macro lens, and I really wanted to slow down and capture some of the small details around my yard and my neighborhood. Relecting, this act was a distraction from my anxiety but also a project that forced me to notice small, interesting things around me and use them to make something.